Holiday Writing Contest Entry

Below is my entry for Susanna Leonard Hill's Holiday Contest. The challenge is to write a children's holiday story about a holiday treat in 250 words or less. This story was inspired by my family's love for gingerbread cookies (super special delicious family recipe). Enjoy!

Photo by annca from Pixabay

Gingerbread Family
227 words

The warm scent of ginger and cloves tickled Isabel’s nose. “Mami, the timer’s going off!”
“Okay, stand back, Isa. It’s hot.” Mami pulled the pan out. “Oh no!” 
“What’s wrong?” Isa climbed up on a stool to get a closer look. The cookie dough had spread! All the little gingerbread men were plump and lopsided.
Mami put her hand on her hip. “They’re ruined. We can’t serve these.”
“Why not?” Isa licked her lips. They still looked yummy.
“Christmastime with family is special. I want everything to be perfect.”
“Can we make new ones?” Isa asked.
Mami shook her head. “We don’t have enough ingredients.”
“Can we fix them?”
“They would probably break.”
Isa thought for a moment. “Maybe the family won’t mind that they’re crooked.”
“I don’t know.”
Isa pointed at one of the cookies. “Look! This one looks exactly like Abuela with her poofy hair.”
“I guess.”
She pointed to another with a big round belly. “And that one looks like Tío Emanuel.”
Mami laughed. “You’re right. It does.”
“This crooked one looks like Abuelo.”
“Mija, I love the way you see things.”
Isa and Mami carefully decorated their unique treats. When the family visited, they each were delighted to get a cookie that looked like them. 
Isabel felt so proud. “You were right, Mami. Christmastime with family is special.”
“Sí, Isa. Everything was perfect.”

Photo by skeeze from Pixabay


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