Favorite Picture Book Writer Resources

As a musician, the rhythm part of rhyming picture books seemed easy to me. But in reality, picture book rhythm has it's unique intricacies that took me a while to learn (and I'm still learning!!).

Some of what I've learned has been through trial and error, and through reading other's works. I also follow picture book writers on Twitter and they share tips and tricks. But some resources have been especially helpful, and I want to share those with you!

Josh Funk Books

Josh Funk is a fun author with an amazing website. If you are a beginning picture book writer, start with his site (I did)! He leads you through, step by step, of how to write any picture book. And he'll tell you not to rhyme!!! Seriously, though, writing a picture book in rhyme is not for the faint of heart. It is hard to do well. Many agents and editors will shy away from manuscripts in rhyme because they've seen so many that weren't ready yet. (I won't say they were bad. I think a lot of good books come from *ahem* less good drafts.)
Check out Josh's site here: www.joshfunkbooks.com
Be sure to go to the "Resources for Writers" page: www.joshfunkbooks.com/resources-for-writers

Rhyme Weaver

Rhymer Weaver is a great resource for figuring out rhyme and rhythm/meter for picture books. It has explanations and examples of many nitty gritty bits you need to know about writing in rhyme! When my critique partners are having trouble with meter, I send them to this site!
Check out the site here: www.writingrhymeandmeter.com


Honestly, I need to visit this website more. There are so many links to fabulous resources! But the thing I really love about KidLit411 is their facebook groups. The discussion group is the best place to ask questions and share information about kid's literature of all levels, including picture books. The manuscript swap group is the best place I've used to find critique swaps. Most of my regular critique partners started as swaps from this group!
Visit the main site here: www.kidlit411.com
Make sure to check out the Facebook discussion group here:
And the manuscript swap group here:

There are many more out there and I'm still discovering more greats! What are your favorite resources?


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