Some authors went to school for writing. Paid tuition and all. But you can be just as successful for basically no cost. You can be a better picture book writer for FREE. Photo by AbsolutVision from Pixabay One caveat--you really need internet access. For most people, that costs money, so I guess it wouldn't be completely free. But there are ways to get internet access without paying if you need it. I assume if you're reading this blog, you have internet access, so let's get on with it. And one more thing--full disclosure: I've spent money on SCBWI membership and 12x12 membership and Rate Your Story membership and they're great for those who can afford them. HOWEVER you don't NEED these organizations to be a better writer. For the first eight months of being a picture book writer, I did NOT use the help of these organizations and I feel confident that I could be successful without these. I'm actually surprised I've invested any sort of money in...